Wednesday, July 27, 2016

🌾A Da'ee is like the sun. 🌅

👉Sun keeps moving from place to place spreading its light …. Likewise a Da'ee moves around people conveying Deen of Allah.

👉Sun gets its source of light from Allah and spreads the whole world…….. Likewise a Da'ee carries the Ilm (Knowledge) from Allah and spreads among all people.

👉Sun don’t have partiality for any community or selfishness in giving its light……...Likewise a Daee don’t differentiate between an Arab, Non-Arab, Black, White, Nationality, groups etc. His goal is the guidance for all.

👉Sun don’t charge any money for the light it spreads throughout world……...Likewise a Daee don’t expect any reward from anybody. The reward is from Allah alone.

👉Sun don’t take any rest, no holiday or vacation until Qiyamath..….….likewise a Daee never rests from his duty until his death.

👉If sun gets eclipsed 🌘someday, the whole world goes dark, in fear and in trouble….….Likewise if a Daee stops his work, the world gets in fitna and trouble.

The efforts of Tabligh work without electricity.

 *The efforts of Tabligh work without electricity.* തബ്ലീഗ് പരിശ്രമം കരണ്ടില്ലാതെ വർക്കാവും. If the electricity of the world were to go off,...