Sunday, September 25, 2016

Moosa Moulana (rah) was once narrating one of his incident at Nizamuddeen

In the winter nights of Nizamuddeen when razai over razai gives very little warmth, one of the elderly man beside him at Markaz was sitting and doing Zikr while almost all were asleep. He was repeating _La ilaha illa Allah_ in a low tune. Moulana could not sleep as he was enjoying listening to the Zikr and could feel the sweetness inside. After a while he came closer to the elderly person and told him that his Zikr was giving sweetness inside his heart. Hearing this the elderly person kissed the forehead of Moulana and said ' *If the listener is experiencing such a sweetness, how sweet is the Zikr for the one who is doing it!* .

Yusuf Ceyloni at Nizamuddeen Markaz says, those days I could not get sleep at night. As some of the brothers would wake up too early for Thahajjud and their cries in Dua become loud out of control and sad for the listeners. _Nowadays also sleep is not getting by those who snore loudly throughout the night_.

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Tabligh Ambulance

*The efforts of Tabligh is like the work of an Ambulance*, reaching the injured to the hospital. A _Daee_ doen't do the work of an Aalim. To treat the patient is the job of the professional. This poor man's Ambulance has very minimum resources in it but turns to be the life savior. But those who looked at the  Ambulance from opposite direction misunderstood them to be ignorant people because the word AMBULANCE is written _Ulta_ or in reverse. Those heading in the same direction could read it in their mirrors and cleared their way for them. Some youngsters nowadays want to paint this Ambulance externally which creates a fitna and envy so even doctors wants to be the drivers of this Ambulance. Let the work go as it is, Let those misunderstand, misunderstand, But those who have the same _fikr_, know this Amal and clears their way for them.  *Allah's plan works in the most odd ways*.

The efforts of Tabligh work without electricity.

 *The efforts of Tabligh work without electricity.* തബ്ലീഗ് പരിശ്രമം കരണ്ടില്ലാതെ വർക്കാവും. If the electricity of the world were to go off,...