Friday, September 1, 2017

Some Technical aspects of Hajj

  1. *Intention*

What triggered you to start your journey is your true intention. You may pronounce the intention at Meeqat. But what started your vehicle (yourself) and motivated you to perform Hajj will mostly remain as your true intention of your heart.  You know it very well and your Master (Allah) knows it better.  

  1. *Default factory reset.*

Hajj forgives all sins. Hajj washes off your sins and make you fresh as a new born. It’s like the default factory resetting of your mobile. But resetting of your device will not clear off the call bills you owe to the service provider. Same way, all your liabilities and what you owe others will not be written-off by the Hajj. 

  1. *Follow traffic rules of Tawaf.*

Imagine you have to drive to a destination of seven kilo meters through a highway. You start initially with service road. Then take into the highway to the slower track and then move on to the faster tracks step by step for 4 to 5 kilometers. Later you exit the same way where you slowly get back to the service road by the 7th kilometer.

Similarly you start your Tawaf at Hajarul Aswad from the last row (service road). The place to change your track is between Hijr Ismael and Rukn Yamani (Least rush area throughout the year). Slowly by slowly get to the fastest track possible (close to Kaaba). After the 6th round, (put your signal which is motioning your right hand if necessary) start moving towards the last row (service road) slowly slowly by the mid of 7th round..

Normally rush of Tawaf is mostly due to the immediate getting out by people once their Tawaf is over. Hence if you follow this method, you reduce the rush and you perform Tawaf in a safe way for others.  Make sure your left side remains towards the Kaaba always even when you change the tracks.

  1. *Enjoyment of an Activity*

The enjoyment you get from an activity is directly proportional to the quality time given to it.  So, this applies to Hajj or any other Deeds performed,  Tawaf,  prayer or at Arafat. Set everything away that distracts you and focus on the actions you are in. Give your quality time and you will surely enjoy.

  1. *Often the inside is empty*

Majority of the Hajis tend to rush at the first part of every place they see in sight. Mostly the inside being empty.  For instance, Jamarath pillar is now a 26 meters (85 ft) wide wall. You walk till the very end of the wall and throw the pebbles where there is no rush. The same applies for Masjidul Haram, even though you may see rush due to people sitting at the entrance.  The washrooms, restaurants all goes the same way. Dare to walk inside where the space is emptier. 

  1. *Be in silent mode*.

Just as we put our mobile phones in silent mode in our small meetings. Make sure, you yourself remain in the silent mode. You are in the largest MEETING of the believers at the most blessed place. There is nothing that’s made compulsory in Haj to pronounce like Azkar or Dua. But not to speak unnecessary talks, arguments, quarrels etc. is a must.

  1. *Haj is a practical test*

Haj is more practical than theory. A Haji once starts his Haj with the intention and Labbayk,  is in the Deed of Haj in all circumstances until its end. He is in Haj while asleep as well as walking. Patiently queuing for transport or food, is a part of Haj and everything is rewarded. Your reward counter is on and there is no point in rushing. If you are stuck in traffic or any other jam, it’s Allah who is testing you practically. So just be patient and carry on. 

  1. *The Selfies*

Since smartphones are in everyone’s pocket, it’s sad to see some are occupied in their smart phones even during Tawaf. Just simply make Dua for them. Say, Ya Allah, this is a place visited by those noble men who had nothing in their heart except you.  Please forgive us as we are far away spiritually and in the timespan from our father Ibrahim (a.s) and those noble men. Accept from all of us despite our shortcoming. We only have the words that brothers of Hazrath Yusuf (a.s) said to him.

يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلۡعَزِيزُ مَسَّنَا وَأَهۡلَنَا ٱلضُّرُّ وَجِئۡنَا بِبِضَـٰعَةٍ۬ مُّزۡجَٮٰةٍ۬ فَأَوۡفِ لَنَا ٱلۡكَيۡلَ وَتَصَدَّقۡ عَلَيۡنَآۖ
 “‘Aziz, we and our family are struck by distress, and we have brought some goods of very little worth. So, give us the full measure. (Surah Yusuf: Part of Ayah No.88).

As an Ummah we are struck with distress, going through tougher times, we only have few broken deeds and we all expect Mercy of Allah to accept us all. 

  1. *What is Makkah Al Mukarrama*

The answer remains the same for all ages and should remain the same. Makkah Al Mukarrama is the Ka’ba Shareef. The Tawaf around it, Maqam Ibrahim, Multazim, Five Daily congregational and Nafl Prayers, Dua, Zamzam, Safa & Marwa and so on. Allah Azzawajal has preserved them as they were despite its external developments. Makkah has been a trading hub since ages. Hence you may appreciate its developments and comforts and may utilize them, but don’t forget what Makkah actually is. For someone who does 7 rounds around Ka’ba and 70 rounds around its modern markets, might comment “Makkah is not as before”.  But it’s the same if you keep up that list during the visit. 

  1. *Father’s house*.

Father is the symbol of _Tarbiya_ (right upbringing). Makkah Al Mukarrama is the city of our Father Ibraheem (a.s). It’s a place of Tarbiyya and trials.  A Haji should experience some of it regardless of the modern comforts it has. Whereas Madeena Munawara is like your mother’s home or friend’s house. Which represents love & friendliness. A Haji will surely be experiencing a warm welcome and love in Madeena Munawara. Hence don’t expect everything to go asper your plans in Makkah Al Mukarrama. Remember it is your father’s house.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Words of Wisdom

Following are words of wisdom mostly by the Elders of Da’wa. Their talks were less, but meant a lot. Here is a collection of them that we all note down as points. May Allah make it beneficial to us all…Aameen

.يُؤۡتِى ٱلۡحِڪۡمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ‌ۚ
وَمَن يُؤۡتَ ٱلۡحِڪۡمَةَ فَقَدۡ أُوتِىَ خَيۡرً۬ا ڪَثِيرً۬ا‌ۗ وَمَا يَذَّڪَّرُ إِلَّآ أُوْلُواْ ٱلۡأَلۡبَـٰبِ

He gives wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever is given wisdom is certainly given a lot of good. Only the people of understanding observe the advice. (Surah Al-Baqara: Ayah No.269)عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ الْكَلِمَةُ الْحِكْمَةُ ضَالَّةُ الْمُؤْمِنِ فَحَيْثُ وَجَدَهَا فَهُوَ أَحَقُّ بِهَا Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The wise saying is the lost property of the believer, so wherever he finds it then he has a right to it.” (Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2687)

1 In the battle of Badr, the Fikr of beloved Prophet (s.a.w) was not just for the three hundred and thiteen Sahaba (r.a) present there. But his fikr was Aalami when he prayed to Allah “ اللهمّ إنْ تهْلك هذه العِصابة فلن تعبد في الأرض أبداً “ " O Allah, if this small band of Muslims is destroyed. you will not be worshipped on this earth."

Note: Beloved Prophet’s (s.a.w) Fikr was for all of mankind and the generations to come which includes you and me. May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon His Slave and Messenger, the chosen one whose outcry was امتي امتي (My nation). Whose ignited heart ignited generations of His Ummah.

أخوك عيسى دعا ميتاً فقام له وأنت أحييت أجيالاً من الأمــــــمYour brother Eisa (a.s) called a dead and the dead stood up for him (by the will of Allah)
And you (Ya Rasulullah) gave life to generations of a nation. ( Line of Poetry by Ahmed Shawqi )

*-2-* -The Dunya is a Body (
جسد) and its Ru’h (روح) is Deen.
-Deen is a body and its
 Ru’h is Da’wa ila Allah.
-Da’wa is a Body and its
 Ru’h is Mashoora.
-Mashoora is a body and its
 Ru’h is Obedience and Sacrifice (itha’ath & Kurbani).

*-3-*The ilm of Fazael for Aamal we need it always like air, water and food. The ilm of Masaael we need like medicine, to use when needed.

*4*The example of a Daee among people is like the tongue among teeth.
Note: Tongue is always in Haraka and takes care of all.

-*6-*The increase in blessings from Allah never stops as long as Shukr is not stoppedلئن شكرتم لأزيدنكم If you give thanks I will give you more (of My Blessings) 

7-Thanking for a blessing is to use that blessing as the Giver wants 

-8-A Daee is like the fan, his circulation in the path of Allah spreads the Hawa of Hidayah.

*-9-*Nia'math ( نعمة) of this world is Amanath and not owned. Whereas the Nia’math of Akhirah is Owned

*15* The most precious thing in the Khazana of Allah Azzawajal is the Hidayah. He gives it to whoever He wish.

*16*If we Muslims sleeps, who will awaken people.

*17*With _Infiradi Aaamaal_ comes _Isthiqama_. With _Ijithimaai Aamaal_ comes the Help of Allah Azzawajal.

*18*The Noor of ilm (نور العلم) went away when ilm went out from Masjid.
The Humility ( تواضع ) went away when students raised to chairs and desks.
The Ikhlas (اخلاص) went away when certificate became a goal for ilm.
_Note: Don’t generalize. But we did lose some core qualities when we changed our humble traditional methods of seeking ilm_

*19*If the Fikr of Da’wa exists, Deen exists.10*The sinners cry for their sins. The Pious cry for their shortcomings.

*20*The one whose priority is Deen over Dunya, his Dunya also turns Deen. The one whose Priority is Dunya over Deen, his Deen also turns Dunya. 

21*We bring up our children upon love of wealth and position. As if we are telling them …‘ Be like Qaroon and Firaun’ without being aware. (_Nauzubillah_)

*22*In Prayer, we will know who is in our heart ‘Allah or others’

*23*Rasulullah (s.a.w) would see the beauty in the ugly just like a mother would see the beauty in her child even if ugly.

*24*Firaun claimed himself to be Rabb, Elaah and Malik. His wife Aasiya (r.a) was a Mu’minah. Allah is showing us that Firaun was so helpless that even his very wife right under his nose is not in his control. Then how is a Rabb, Elaah or Malik.*11*A daee ila Allah is always busy ‘Either in da’wa or Dua’*25*Deen is like the garment which covers all the faults of body and beautifies it.

*26*Eemaan, half of it is Sabr, half of it is Shukr.

*27*The Fikr of Hazrath Abubakr Al Siddeeq (r.a) was the Protection of Deen (Islam) and not just Muslims. When he said. أَيَنْقُصُ الدِّينُ وأنا حَيّ ؟*Is Deen to diminish while I am still alive?*

_Note: One of the greatest saying of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Al Siddeeq (r.a). A slogan of Fikr carried by Hundreds and thousands of this Ummah. Ahmed bin Hanbal (rah) carried it when he was tortured for his beliefs and so were the numerous scholars and persons throughout Islamic history. Moulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (rah) said. I wished every Muslim to hang this slogan in their homes so that they are reminded of it every day_.
An Arab Daee was saying. Our slogan of fikr today may go asأَيَنْقُصُ الثلاجة وأنا حَيّ ؟Is my refrigerator to Diminish (go less) when I am still alive.He was just pointing how our fikr of food today has become greater than fikr of Deen.

*28*The Sahaba (r.a) would say to people when makingDa’wa كونوا مثلنا ‘ *Be like us* ’. We have no courage to say this because our life has not become like them.

The Sahaba (r.a) made Allah greatest in their life and everything beside
*29*The market place of the Sahaba (r.a), were like prayer area. Our prayer area now are like market places.

*30*The Sahaba (r.a). Their efforts of Deen were more and talks were less. As of us, effort is less but talk is more.*31*Initially going out in the path of Allah is like going out from darkness into light, so the light is very clear. Thereafter it is like going from light into brighter light so the increase in light may not be that clear.
_Note: Some of those who embraced Islam shares their experience of Islam like that of travelling through a dark tunnel and suddenly light appeared all around them_

*32*The sign of having light of Hidayah (نور الهداية) is that man sees his success, victory & happiness in the Aamaal of Deen.

*33*Zuhd is not about wearing rough cloths, but reducing the desires of Dunya.*34*Money cannot see or hear, then how it will solve our problems.

*35*Maqami Amal is like a fruit farm that produces fruits locally and then exports.

*36*The target is not just to close the shop and come to the Masjid. The target is to close the Fikr of the shop in the prayer.

*12*Shaitan enters on a Daee through the door of useless talks (الكلام في ما يعني )

*37*Hijra to Habsha- ( Abyssinia , Ethiopia) was to protect Eemaan. And the Hijra to Madeena was for Da’wa. 

*38*We haven’t cried for ourselves, then how we will cry for the Ummah.

*39*Be a driver in Da’wa and don’t be just passengers.

*40*Not ready to give hair for Allah (after Umrah), how then will give head.

*41*People are not affected by our talks (كلام). But our deeds (أعمال), dealings (معاملات ) and Character (صفات-اخلاق) affects.

*42*Muashira (معاشرة-our social life) is one of the basis of Deen. It is a silent Da’wa from life to life. From heart to heart, without any pen or paper.*43*As much as we strive, we learn. As much as we learn, we strive.

*44*Go out in the path of Allah till it is hard for us to return as it is hard for us to go out.*45*Coming back home is not bad. But desire to be at home is bad.

*46*Efforts of Deen is not in need of wealth or any means. But it need Aa’maal of Rasulullah ( أعمال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم)

*47*Rasulullah (s.a.w) choose the poverty because his Da’wa is not in need of any wealth.

*48*The basis of Mua’shira (معاشرة) is حسن الظن (Good thought about others). حسن الظن is must without any evidence and سوء الظن (suspicion and bad thought) is to be avoided even with evidence.

*49*Despite knowing all the doors are closed, Hazrath Yusuf (a.s) ran towards the door when the wife of Aziz (Zulaikha) called him. This was his effort for escape from Haram at the best of human capacity._Note: If the effort is with Ikhlas, Allah will open His Door even if all other doors are closed_إِنَّهُ ۥ مِنۡ عِبَادِنَا ٱلۡمُخۡلَصِينَ 

*50*Allah Azzawajal gave Hazrath Yusuf (a.s) the greatest beauty. But this beauty did not benefit him for anything, rather this was the reason to end up in prison.Allah Azzawajal gave Hazrath Yusuf (a.s) knowledge (of Interpretation of dream, speeches etc.) which made him the King of Egypt.

The slave doesn’t do anything of his own without the commandments of his Master._Note: The very definition of slave is that he doesn’t do anything by his own. If a slave lives as he wish, he is no more called a slave. Likewise an Abd (slave) of Allah is someone who doesn’t live as he wills but surrenders his life to the will of his Master who is Allah._

Our journey is towards the Qabr and Akhirath. In front of us should be Akhirah and behind us the Dunya. Example is that of a driver driving his car. If he looks only in the rear mirror and drive, his car will go and hit (crash) the front. If he ignores the rear mirror, someone from back may hit. Hence his focus should be the front and at the same time have an eye on the rear mirror as he drives on. 
_Note: If we see only Dunya, our Akhirath will spoil. If we only see Akhirath and totally ignore Dunya, Our Dunya from back (Wife, Children, Livelihood etc) may hit us. So, needs a balance between the two. Just as the driver, Akhirath should be viewed through the front big glass and same time have a look at Dunya through the rear mirror in order to have a smooth driving and safe journey._

*53*Glorify Allah (Tasbeeh) with greatness (عظمة). Send blessings (الصلاة على النبي) upon the beloved Prophet (s.a.w) with love (محبة) and Seek forgiveness (استغفار) with regret ( ندامة).

_Note: *Tasbeeh & Salawat is perfume and Isthigfar is cleanser*. Ibn Qayyim (rah) was once asked if Tasbeeh or Istighfaar is better?. He replied ‘which is more important to the shirt: to clean it with soap or to put perfume in it?’ If the shirt is clean, then perfume is better, but if the shirt is dirty, then wash it first.”- “But the shirt always needs to be cleaned, because the human can never be free from sins.”_ 

*54*Tashkeel t
he people based on Tarteeb, but take the effort from them based on their capacity._Note: Tashkeel to all is done based on Tarteeb (3 days, 40 days, 4 months etc.). But take only the efforts from people based on their capacity. Some may be less or more with the Tarteeb._

*55*Effort (جهد) is the body of Da’wa and Duaa (دعاء) is the Ruh of Da’wa.

*56*Thank Allah for the Eemaan that’s available and strive for the Eemaan that is wanted (مطلوب).

*57*Da’wa is for the Daee himself before anyone else.

*58*We have entered in Da’wa. The goal is Da’wa to enter in us.

*59*Da’wa ila Allah is antibiotic and Akhlaq is ointment._Note: Da’wa has 
internal effect as an Anti-biotic where as Akhlaq is like the ointment which has the external effect and to be applied externally_

*58*The virtue of first generation (خير القرون) was by virtue of their Aa’maal and not by virtue of their time.

*60*Promotion of an employee is based on punctuality and good performance at work. Likewise, is of the Da’ee.

61Yaqeen on the seen things came to our heart by seeing and Yaqeen of unseen comes to our heart by listening about unseen (غيب). 

62Yaqeen of Sahaba (r.a) was to trust what is heard and deny what is seen.Note: Sahaba (r.a) their Yaqeen was to firmly believe what’s heard from Rasulullah (s.a.w). Their eyes may be right or wrong doesn’t matter.

 64Tashkeel of Sahaba (r.a) were based on the level Eemaan. Now Our Tashkeel is based on the level of spending. 

65For Sahaba (r.a) it was equal for them- Life and death, Gold and Mud, Land and water, Domestic animal or wild. Nothing stopped their way

66Sahaba (r.a) made Allah greatest and everything else small. So Allah Azzawajal put for their service (under their feet) of what they made small. 

67We go out from darkness to light. Not with darkness to light.

 68Da’wa- Its first is madness (جنون), middle is talent (فنون-artistry) and last is calm (سكون) Da’wa at its beginning may seems Zillath but its end is always Izzath.

 69Effort of Auliya is to reach unto Khaliq. The efforts of Anbiya (a.s) is reach and make others reach unto Khaliq

( سبحانه وتعالى). 70
Man as he comes closer to Allah reaches a level when Allah uses him for the hidayah of others.

Note: There is no greater task than the task for which Allah choose His Chosen Ones (عليهم الصلاة والسلام) 

The efforts of Tabligh work without electricity.

 *The efforts of Tabligh work without electricity.* തബ്ലീഗ് പരിശ്രമം കരണ്ടില്ലാതെ വർക്കാവും. If the electricity of the world were to go off,...