Wednesday, October 2, 2019


*"When you remember Umar (r.a), you remember justice.“ (Ibn Abbas(r.a))*

To be honest, whenever I remember Yahya  Haji (May Allah shower mercy on him). I remember the balance in religion. It was a long time ago, once upon a time, I had gone for my four months Jamaath. After returning from four months and after a few months,  my beloved father said to me ' Ismail' I thought you would become a good Muslim by spending in the path of Allah. But I see you now as a good Tablighi. Then he advised me "Deen is like a soccer ball' spherical in shape. Everything should be included. Indeed, Da'wa is of very importance. But that doesn't make other matters of life, less important or to be ignored".  Later years he did appreciate me when I tried my best to balance things in life. 

Yaya Haji was one of a reason for me and many others like me whose Deen was then an oval-shaped Rugby ball that got its spherical balanced shape.  So how can anyone forget such a great person? Very hard to find such a great personality who is much talented and well informed in all aspects of life. Alhamdulillah I still feel lucky to do some Khidma to him and his mother in his last trips to the Holylands. May Allah accept. May Allah unite all of us and him in the eternal adobe of bliss. In the company of the pious.

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The efforts of Tabligh work without electricity.

 *The efforts of Tabligh work without electricity.* തബ്ലീഗ് പരിശ്രമം കരണ്ടില്ലാതെ വർക്കാവും. If the electricity of the world were to go off,...