Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Karguzari of Umar Palanpuri (r.a) Jamaath in Saudi Arabia

Once Umar Palanpuri (rah) Jamaath was somewhere in a remote towns in Saudi Arabia (His one year Jamaath ended at Riyadh and it was at the time of Malik Saudi, before King Faisal). One evening they reached a market place which was full of noise and shouting. Moulana was in fikr of gathering them all and giving Da’wa over the market. One of the Arab seeing Moualana and his people in Fikr asked ‘What do you need’ Moulana said, we want to gather all of them for some time and give a talk. The Arab said “So what!’ just climb over that small hill in the mid of the market and shout ‘صلو على النبي’ and that’s it”. So Moulana climbed the hill and Said loudly ‘Salloo Al-Alnabiyy…صل الله عليه و سلم the amazement, the market was silent. Everyone answered the call. (That was the Arabs of those days, one Salaath was enough to gather them together).
Umar Palanpuri gave a bayan and bayan was over. You know Arabs always like two way transactions. So the locals told Moulana that they have a problem. It did not rain for long in their village and they need rain. Moulana explained them the reasons for rain. He said the first is Isthigfar, if sins increase in a community Allah will forbid rain. Now the locals started talking one another and their leader said aloud, Shaikh ‘ We all repent to Allah and do Isthigfar’. Moulana said ‘Well, the second cause is ‘ if Zakath is not given, rain may be forbidden’ The Arabs again started talking one another and said ‘ We have solved this issue too. Then moulana said as third reason ‘If a community forsake امر بالمعروف ونهي عن المنكر  Allah will forbid them of His Barakaath… Then they all said, we are ready to that also. Some of them ready to go in the path of Allah now some later and all was fixed. The locals asked moulana … Shaikh…what’s next.   Moulana replied’ you have fulfilled your part. Now it’s upon Allah to fulfill His promise and the gathering was over with Dua.
Next day the Jamaath was moving to next town and they were crossing through a hill. They saw a farmer walking with his equipment (axe whatsoever)… moulana asked him. Did it rain? The Arab replied..not yet… انشاء الله  it will rain in a Yaqeen that even Jamaath got Yaqeen.
Later it did rain in the village as it was known. The point in the Karguzari is that our elders did work hard in reaching the remote places of this country. Secondly they know the potentiality of this people if they carry the fikr of Da’wa in them. They surely are the children of Sahaba.  Those who believed without any conditions and always at one word سمعا و طاعة
Let’s also say سمعنا و اطعنا غفرانك ربنا
Jazakallah Khair.

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