Once a student asked a Shaikh at Azhar who was in Jamaath about Jamaath Tabligh. The student asked why many accuse Jamaath Tabligh of less knowledge. The shaikh replied in Hikma, boy this is very simple.
They are Jamaath of الديك و الجن . I tell you what.
Allah Azzawajal mentions Jinn in the Quran, about their attending the Majlis of Rasulillah (s.a.w) and listening the Quran and then going to their community and conveying it unto their people. In Surah Ahqaf (verses 29 to 32). Allah praised their action of conveying one message to their community in the Quran, for this Ummah to recite till Qiyamath.
There message was this ‘ ‘ O our people, respond to the Messenger of Allah and believe in him; Allah will forgive for you your sins and protect you from a painful punishment.’ (Surah Al-Ahqaf, Ayah 31)
Tabligh Jamaah does the same. Whatever they learn from Deen from Majalis is conveyed to their people even if it is of less knowledge.
As of جماعة الديك Shaikh told the student.
Prophet S.A.W told us in a Hadith ‘لا تسبوا الديك فانه يوقض لصلاة الصبح
Meaning ‘Don’t blame the Cockerel (rooster), because it wakes you up for Morning Prayer.
If a ديك ..Rooster cannot be blamed for waking up just for Fajr, how can someone blame a Jamaah that’s waking Ummah not just for Fajr, but calling towards living a life of Deen and bring people from darkness to light.
Simple answer it was.
ومن يؤت الحكمة فقد اوتي خيرا كثيرا
Someone said to the Shaikh about Tabligh Jamaath (Actually it’s not جماعة التبليغ but we are all امة التبليغ ) that they are جماعة ميت meaning Jamaath is like dead. They have No, ilm, knowledge. The Shaikh replied. Yes, brother. True they are a dead Jamaath. But I am wondering how they have carried a dead body east and the west, and millions got changed. What if they have been alive!!!!
سبحان الله !!!Just ask ourselves. ‘What if we ‘been alive like the Sahaba (r.a), What if we had more knowledge and Imaan like the Sahaaba (r.a)... if being just a shadow of them can change this much, what to say about the real.
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