Sunday, September 25, 2016

Moosa Moulana (rah) was once narrating one of his incident at Nizamuddeen

In the winter nights of Nizamuddeen when razai over razai gives very little warmth, one of the elderly man beside him at Markaz was sitting and doing Zikr while almost all were asleep. He was repeating _La ilaha illa Allah_ in a low tune. Moulana could not sleep as he was enjoying listening to the Zikr and could feel the sweetness inside. After a while he came closer to the elderly person and told him that his Zikr was giving sweetness inside his heart. Hearing this the elderly person kissed the forehead of Moulana and said ' *If the listener is experiencing such a sweetness, how sweet is the Zikr for the one who is doing it!* .

Yusuf Ceyloni at Nizamuddeen Markaz says, those days I could not get sleep at night. As some of the brothers would wake up too early for Thahajjud and their cries in Dua become loud out of control and sad for the listeners. _Nowadays also sleep is not getting by those who snore loudly throughout the night_.

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Tabligh Ambulance

*The efforts of Tabligh is like the work of an Ambulance*, reaching the injured to the hospital. A _Daee_ doen't do the work of an Aalim. To treat the patient is the job of the professional. This poor man's Ambulance has very minimum resources in it but turns to be the life savior. But those who looked at the  Ambulance from opposite direction misunderstood them to be ignorant people because the word AMBULANCE is written _Ulta_ or in reverse. Those heading in the same direction could read it in their mirrors and cleared their way for them. Some youngsters nowadays want to paint this Ambulance externally which creates a fitna and envy so even doctors wants to be the drivers of this Ambulance. Let the work go as it is, Let those misunderstand, misunderstand, But those who have the same _fikr_, know this Amal and clears their way for them.  *Allah's plan works in the most odd ways*.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Efforts of Deen

*Moulana Umar Palanpuri* (rah) when his Jamaath went to ِAmerica, Some of Muslims there asked him. This is an era of technology and why the efforts of Tabligh don't utilize technologies for Da'wa. Why carrying your bed, going out and sacrificing.

_He replied in simple answer_

He asked them where was Rasulullah (s.a.w) born and start his Da'wa. In Makkah,  that poor land without any plantations where there are only mountains and sands.

Allah Azzawajal did not choose for Rasulullah (s.a.w) Rome or Persia. So that it will not be said '*Deen of Allah was spread by the wealth and technology of the Rome or by the Wisdom of the Persians*

Likewise efforts of Tabligh in this era  was not resumed in New York, Paris or London. It started in a land where Arabs called '*Hindi Miskeen*' (Poor Indians).

I use to say as an example, Allah knows best. If you want to understand efforts of Tabligh and why going out for Da'wa, just switch off the electricity of the world for the next 6 months. Or roll back our era  to 50 or 100 years. Then think what remains as an effort of Deen or Da'wa that we are doing these days.

Surely, no more Whatsapps, Internets, Booklets, Notices, Posters, Loud speakers, CDs, Audio, Video...nothing works without the one electric power... Then what remains will be the old methods of going out and conveying the message of Deen which was the method used by all the Anbiyaa (a.s) and throughout ages.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Natural Garden is Experienced, Not Explained.

A man came to Raiwind Markaz and told the Akabireen that he is going to file a case at the court against Tabligh. They asked him why. He said Tabligh is making everyone leave their homes that include professionals like doctors, engineers and even our cricket teams. What will happen to this country if all go away like this!

One of the Moulana sitting there asked him. Is n't it better that you join a Jamaath for 3 days so that you can study and note your arguments better? The man said, well, that make sense. So the man joined a Jamaath for 3 days with his diary and pen to note his complaints.

After two days have passed, on the third day his family members got worried because of not seeing him and they came to visit him at his Masjid. To their surprise, they saw him in the Masjid kitchen wearing his Banian making aatta for chapathi along with other khidmath Saathis. 

Don't ever try to argue for Tabligh even to those who oppose it. A rose garden is experienced by its beauty and the smell. Thousand books may be written to describe the beauty of roses, but no book ever can bring out the smell of a rose. 

Hence make people experience the Deen of Allah rather than argue over its description in the books.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

🌾A Da'ee is like the sun. 🌅

👉Sun keeps moving from place to place spreading its light …. Likewise a Da'ee moves around people conveying Deen of Allah.

👉Sun gets its source of light from Allah and spreads the whole world…….. Likewise a Da'ee carries the Ilm (Knowledge) from Allah and spreads among all people.

👉Sun don’t have partiality for any community or selfishness in giving its light……...Likewise a Daee don’t differentiate between an Arab, Non-Arab, Black, White, Nationality, groups etc. His goal is the guidance for all.

👉Sun don’t charge any money for the light it spreads throughout world……...Likewise a Daee don’t expect any reward from anybody. The reward is from Allah alone.

👉Sun don’t take any rest, no holiday or vacation until Qiyamath..….….likewise a Daee never rests from his duty until his death.

👉If sun gets eclipsed 🌘someday, the whole world goes dark, in fear and in trouble….….Likewise if a Daee stops his work, the world gets in fitna and trouble.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

سبحان الحي الذي لا يموت

👈 سبحان الحي الذي لا يموت 
ഇമാം മാലിക്  ബിൻ അനസ് (റ) , മാലികീ മദ്ഹബിന്റെ ഇമാം (الامام دار الهجرة ) മരണത്തിനു ശേഷം ഒരു  സഹോദരൻ അദ്ധേഹതെ  വളരെ നല്ല സന്ദോഷത്തിലും സുഖത്തിലുമായി സോപ്നതിൽ  കണ്ടു.

 ചോദിച്ചു അല്ലയോ മാലിക്  "താങ്ങൾക്ക്‌ എങ്ങെനെ ഈ ബഹുമതി കരസ്തമായി?"

 ഇമാം മാലിക് പറഞ്ഞു " ഇതു ഞാൻ പതിവായി ചൊല്ലുന്ന ഒരു ദിക്ർ കാരണമാണ് . ഈ ഒരു ദിക്ര് ഉസ്മാൻ ബിൻ അഫ്ഫാൻ (റ ) നിന്നും നിവേദനം ചെയ്യപ്പെട്ടതാണ് .

 ബഹുമാനപ്പെട്ട ഉസ്‌മാൻ (റ) എപ്പോഴെല്ലാം ജനാസ കാണുന്പോൾ പറയുമായിരുന്നു "سبحان الحي الذي لا يموت " "എന്നെന്നും ജീവിക്കുന്നവനും ഒരിക്കുലും മരണമടയാത്തവനുമായവൻ (അള്ളാഹു)  എത്ര പരിശുദ്ധൻ " ഈ ദികർ ഞാൻ പതിവാക്കിയിരുന്നു.

ഞാൻ എന്റെ രബ്ബിലേക്ക് മടക്കപ്പെട്ടപ്പോൾ എന്നോട് എന്റെ റബ്ബ് പറഞ്ഞു  "അല്ലയോ മാലിക് , നീ എപ്പോഴും പറയാറുണ്ടായിരുന്നല്ലോ "سبحان الحي الذي لا يموت " "എന്നെന്നും ജീവിക്കുന്നവനും ഒരിക്കുലും മരണമടയാത്തവനുമായവൻ (അള്ളാഹു)  എത്ര പരിശുദ്ധൻ" എന്ന്.

 "ഞാനാണ് എന്നെന്നും ജീവിചിരിക്കുന്നവൻ , ഒരിക്കലും മരണമടയാത്തവൻ ഞാൻ നിന്നിൽ തൃപ്തനാണ്.  ☘🌹☘

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Restart of

لله الحمد After a gap of perhaps more than three years, I have uploaded another bayan forwarded to me by brother Jamsheer sb (Bridco). I have realized through these years little much benefits of uploading the bayans online through the many comments I received and of the number of people have gone through them. The intention was to reach those audience that never reached the real audience. Those that surf online in the virtual world and ‘waste’ their time. It was an effort to let this wastage be turned into beneficial and for a good. As ‘Mufti Ismail Menk’ says ‘We keep the account in facebook, not because we are interested in it. Because there are section of our brothers who are never seen in any of Masajid, but they are somehow available on ‘facebook’. Let them hear the message least there.  Hence was my intention to create and it serves the same purpose. Otherwise who dares compare a beautiful flower garden to mere picture of it? How can a fruit be tasted without eating it or how can a perfume be enjoyed without smelling it? The beauty of a bayan is enjoyed in the Majalis (gathering) where Angles are surrounded and promises are offered. But sometimes a beautiful picture of a garden can chill the heart of those long to see it.  Human heart can imagine beyond our imaginations, can picture the beauty before the beauty is attained. Ecstasy of the seeker of truth may be far more than who attained it.

There is a story by Shaikh Muhammad Areefi, the author of ‘Enjoy your Life’ about a young man who used to share illicit web contents with his friends. It happened that the young guy would show his collections received in his email before his friends in their weekly gathering. His friends then wanted to have the same but was told it was a paid subscription. So this guy told the idea of auto forwarding the emails whenever it reaches his email.  One day this young man died because of an accident and he was then buried. But the friends were amazed and surprised to receive the filthy email from the dead friend. So they requested the website teams to stop and they informed them of his death. The website team replied them back saying that the person has subscribed to receive this email for another four years and they have no option to stop it. Meaning the guy has kept his records of sins un-closed and to be continued to reach his grave نعوذ بلله
May Allah forgive him and all our Muslim brothers, the living and the dead?

So playing online is dangerous. It can be for the good or for the worst as the story is. Contents online are circulated and forwarded, perhaps to the end of times or we can say as long as google is alive online.  I often think as an example when we often say Allah's Treasures and Bounties are Endless, eternal & abyss. Just think about a content that’s uploaded online, if all the mankind till the end of times were to download it, let each one of them take a million share, still there will be no decrease of a bit from it. The file remains the same. If this is about one thing what Allah has given us, what to say about that He owns Himself? Of the treasure and bounties He has been spending since the creation of His creations till the eternity.  سبحان الله

Internet is now like a market place. You have the good shops and the bad shops. A masjid and may be a theater aside. 

The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together:

It’s has all turned to be mixture now. We are destined to walk in the end of times through it and there seems no escape. Technology one after another is bombarded into our path. There seems no separation. What guides ahead is the light that separates the dark from the light. Of a Mercy from Allah and hope that He shall forgive us. From the day reality was realized, it was assured within, the fact that none shall be saved except by His mercy. A beggar’s pot in hand, in humiliation and a feeling of nothingness. Nothing to exchange for all His bounties but to beg further and hope for more.
….The question is …….‘ Do we carry at least that pot’

Be before Allah like the brothers of Hazrath Yusuf (a.s) who came to him begging in the end.

يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلۡعَزِيزُ مَسَّنَا وَأَهۡلَنَا ٱلضُّرُّ وَجِئۡنَا بِبِضَـٰعَةٍ۬ مُّزۡجَٮٰةٍ۬ فَأَوۡفِ لَنَا ٱلۡكَيۡلَ وَتَصَدَّقۡ عَلَيۡنَا  (12:88

Thursday, March 3, 2016

To those who accuse Jamaath Tabligh

Once a student asked a Shaikh at Azhar who was in Jamaath about Jamaath Tabligh. The student asked why many accuse Jamaath Tabligh of less knowledge. The shaikh replied in Hikma, boy this is very simple.
They are Jamaath of الديك و الجن .  I tell you what.

Allah Azzawajal mentions Jinn in the Quran, about their attending the Majlis of Rasulillah (s.a.w) and listening the Quran and then going to their community and conveying it unto their people. In Surah Ahqaf (verses 29 to 32). Allah praised their action of conveying one message to their community in the Quran, for this Ummah to recite till Qiyamath.
There message was this ‘ ‘  O our people, respond to the Messenger of Allah and believe in him; Allah will forgive for you your sins and protect you from a painful punishment.’ (Surah Al-Ahqaf, Ayah 31)

Tabligh Jamaah does the same. Whatever they learn from Deen from Majalis  is conveyed to their people even if it is of less knowledge.

As of    جماعة الديك Shaikh told the student.

Prophet S.A.W told us in a Hadith ‘لا تسبوا الديك فانه يوقض لصلاة الصبح
Meaning ‘Don’t blame the Cockerel (rooster), because it wakes you up for Morning Prayer.

If a ديك  ..Rooster cannot be blamed for waking up just for Fajr, how can someone blame a Jamaah that’s waking Ummah not just for Fajr, but calling towards living a life of Deen and bring people from darkness to light.
Simple answer it was.
ومن يؤت الحكمة فقد اوتي خيرا كثيرا 

Someone said to the Shaikh about Tabligh Jamaath (Actually it’s not جماعة التبليغ  but we are all امة التبليغ  ) that they are جماعة ميت  meaning Jamaath is like dead. They have No, ilm, knowledge. The Shaikh replied. Yes, brother. True they are a dead Jamaath. But I am wondering how they have carried a dead body east and the west, and millions got changed. What if they have been alive!!!!

سبحان الله !!!Just ask ourselves. ‘What if we ‘been alive like the Sahaba (r.a), What if we had more knowledge and Imaan like the Sahaaba (r.a)... if being just a shadow of them can change this much, what to say about the real.

A Karguzari of Umar Palanpuri (r.a) Jamaath in Saudi Arabia

Once Umar Palanpuri (rah) Jamaath was somewhere in a remote towns in Saudi Arabia (His one year Jamaath ended at Riyadh and it was at the time of Malik Saudi, before King Faisal). One evening they reached a market place which was full of noise and shouting. Moulana was in fikr of gathering them all and giving Da’wa over the market. One of the Arab seeing Moualana and his people in Fikr asked ‘What do you need’ Moulana said, we want to gather all of them for some time and give a talk. The Arab said “So what!’ just climb over that small hill in the mid of the market and shout ‘صلو على النبي’ and that’s it”. So Moulana climbed the hill and Said loudly ‘Salloo Al-Alnabiyy…صل الله عليه و سلم the amazement, the market was silent. Everyone answered the call. (That was the Arabs of those days, one Salaath was enough to gather them together).
Umar Palanpuri gave a bayan and bayan was over. You know Arabs always like two way transactions. So the locals told Moulana that they have a problem. It did not rain for long in their village and they need rain. Moulana explained them the reasons for rain. He said the first is Isthigfar, if sins increase in a community Allah will forbid rain. Now the locals started talking one another and their leader said aloud, Shaikh ‘ We all repent to Allah and do Isthigfar’. Moulana said ‘Well, the second cause is ‘ if Zakath is not given, rain may be forbidden’ The Arabs again started talking one another and said ‘ We have solved this issue too. Then moulana said as third reason ‘If a community forsake امر بالمعروف ونهي عن المنكر  Allah will forbid them of His Barakaath… Then they all said, we are ready to that also. Some of them ready to go in the path of Allah now some later and all was fixed. The locals asked moulana … Shaikh…what’s next.   Moulana replied’ you have fulfilled your part. Now it’s upon Allah to fulfill His promise and the gathering was over with Dua.
Next day the Jamaath was moving to next town and they were crossing through a hill. They saw a farmer walking with his equipment (axe whatsoever)… moulana asked him. Did it rain? The Arab replied..not yet… انشاء الله  it will rain in a Yaqeen that even Jamaath got Yaqeen.
Later it did rain in the village as it was known. The point in the Karguzari is that our elders did work hard in reaching the remote places of this country. Secondly they know the potentiality of this people if they carry the fikr of Da’wa in them. They surely are the children of Sahaba.  Those who believed without any conditions and always at one word سمعا و طاعة
Let’s also say سمعنا و اطعنا غفرانك ربنا
Jazakallah Khair.

The efforts of Tabligh work without electricity.

 *The efforts of Tabligh work without electricity.* തബ്ലീഗ് പരിശ്രമം കരണ്ടില്ലാതെ വർക്കാവും. If the electricity of the world were to go off,...